by Shannon Gaffney. @wellhelloshannon (@instagram). @shan_gaffney (Twitter).
Living in NYC offers so many simple joys – strolls through Central Park, wistful writing in cozy coffee shops, and absolutely obliterating your neighbor’s rest while you’re preparing for the Jesus Christ Superstar open call. Here are some blissful tunes to make your neighbors say, “Y’know, living in Long Island doesn’t look so bad.”
1.The Phantom of the Opera
Imagine: your neighbor just had a long day at the accounting firm. They sit on their couch and rub their temples, exhausted and wondering what to have for dinner…when all of a sudden…you muster the shrillest E6 of your life. Your expert plan to have them slip a personalized letter under your door will be well-set in motion.
2. I Dreamed a Dream
As your neighbor settles into bed after paying bills, fighting with their spouse and tucking in a toddler, gently remind them that “hey…things could always be worse” with a rousing tune from the aptly titled Les Misérables. You’ll be well on your way to inspiring your neighbor to look up the landlord’s business e-mail.
3. The Miller’s Son
Lull your neighbor into a false sense of security with a quiet, melancholy introduction. Then, when you sing “IN THE MEAAAANWHILLLEEEE” with full belted gusto, they won’t even see it coming. By now, your neighbor will be furiously googling “how to file a noise complaint”, but trust us, the note will come.
4. Let It Go
Your neighbor first heard this song at their five-year-old child’s dance recital. Their spouse then forced them to attend the Broadway production, where their infant screamed incessantly and eventually had to be removed from the theatre. Create uninhibited chaos in their lives with your very own rendition! They will finally lose all hope in solace and grab a pen and paper.
5. Defying Gravity
You’ve already got the Idina Menzel theme going. It’s time for the big finale. Shatter your neighbor’s eardrums and inner peace by singing, “DOOOOOOOOOOWN” at the top of your lungs. Don’t forget to option up for the riff! It shouldn’t be long before that letter begging you to shut up appears on your welcome mat.
Happy Singing!