by Zach Raffio. @zachraffio.

MORGANTOWN, WV. - Sweet! The team behind the MTown Players production of Proof announced today that the show’s Fight Captain - entitled to a $25 per week bump - will get a second bump if they manage to win the call.
“Any opportunity to get paid more is nice, but being able to EARN more via combat is even better,” noted Fight Captain and Catherine understudy Lillian Turkup, using chalk for both math equations and to dry out her knuckles. “These cast members think it’s just a simple walkthrough, and then BAM! They’re seeing cartoon birds, and I’m buying an extra two Cava bowls at the mall this weekend. God I love the theatre.”
Cast member Chris Derrick, who plays Robert in the play and who Turkup describes as “slow-footed”, weighed in on the financial arrangement.
“I’m not even sure why we have a Fight Captain in the first place - it’s, it’s Proof - but Lillian takes it way too seriously,” noted Derrick, icing his lip after a two-show day. “She plays dirty, too. The other day she said ‘look the director’s walking in, and he has notes!’ and by the time I turned back around to question her, she already had a sock full of quarters ready to whack me upside the head. Why does she have that?! This is Proof!”
Former MTown Fight Captain Deijah Reddy was eager to share her thoughts on the matter.
“They’ve forgotten about me. They’ve counted me out. Nobody sees me as a contender. But I’m staging a comeback. I’m gonna make sure people are clear in their movements, feel safe performing in the space, and then win that $25,” noted Reddy, looking old and grizzled despite being 24. “Is any of this ethical? That’s not for me to decide. That’s for the director and producers to decide - and their answer is usually just, like, a shrug.”
At press time, Turkup was seen running up and down the stairs of City Hall and punching a big steak in advance of another eight show week. Meanwhile, Reddy was training to retake the crown, starting by facing off against the participants of next year’s youth season.