by Justin Ayer. @justayer (Instagram), @justinayer (Twitter).

NEW YORK, NY - A group of aspiring Stagecraft students and BroadwayCon guests who attended a late Sunday seminar on stage striking were shocked to discover that the workshop was really just them being duped into breaking down and cleaning up the entire event, sources confirmed.
“It was the last workshop of the weekend and we thought it would be a nice primer on proper stage striking techniques,” said Mary Cassidy, a die-hard Sutton Foster fan and sophomore Drama Tech major at NYU Tisch. “Little did we know it was the start of a nine-hour strike with only one 15-minute break and a walking lunch. I still have blisters, and one girl cosplaying as Sally Bowels, who isn’t even interested in stagecraft, lost the tip of a finger. We did learn a lot about power drill safety, though.”
Workshop instructor and New York Hilton Midtown Events Manager, Charles Donahue, defended the grueling workshop.
“Listen, these kids want to know what it’s really like to work on a Broadway show, so why not give them an introduction?” questioned Donahue. “They signed up and signed the waiver, so we’re in the clear. And for all those trying to shove child labor laws down our throats, this was a teaching exercise - who says that we can’t get anything out of it? You know, something like having the entire event wiped and boxed by unqualified children. Something like that.”
Melinda Thomas, a community theatre stage crew volunteer, raved about the workshop.
“I’ve always been a hands-on person and to be in New York City just a few blocks from Radio City Music Hall, doing what I’m told by the BroadwayCon staff is almost similar to what they do at the end of a shows run there, is exhilarating. Yes, I’m sore, and no, the safety goggles provided did not have lenses, but like my Dad always says, ‘it’ll put hair on your chest’. It’s too bad I missed my flight back to Illinois, though.”
BroadwayCon finishes up on Sunday right before midnight, when the last few crew members, or “attendees”, of the Stage Striking workshop leave the exhibit halls. When asked if they would come back next year, all attendees noted that they would, but that they would “definitely” be joining the IATSE labor union between now and next year’s BroadwayCon.