by Devin Wallace. @thedevinwallace.

NEW YORK, NY - Sam Rockwell, the actor best known to Marvel fans as Justin Hammer in Iron Man 2, has apparently been cast in a cute little theater production of American Buffalo on Broadway, you know, the place with those musicals like Wicked.
“It’s neat that massive Marvel stars can have fun side hobbies too,” said Kyle Bartsman, a moderator on the r/IronMan2 sub-Reddit. “I like to noodle around on my keytar, and I guess Sam Rockwell has a funny mustache in this opera or whatever,” said Bartsman, referring to Rockwell’s role as Teach in the acclaimed play. “The stars, they’re just like us.”
Maurice Davy, who we found taking selfies with a promotional poster of Samuel L. Jackson in what he thought was the new Nick Fury show, was pleasantly surprised when told it was some sort of non-televised show: the August Wilson play The Piano Lesson.
“So they do the same episode with no cameras every night?” asked Davy while hashtagging his photo #EyePatchGangThrowHands. “That’s pretty cool. Is it, like, for a class? My grandpa took an adult class where he learned how to play solitaire on his desktop and send an email. Is that what Sam Jackson is doing with April Wilson dude? Very cool.”
Marvel fans responded with various versions of "aww" and "good for them!" when shown images of Marisa Tomei in The Rose Tattoo; Tom Hiddleston in Betrayal; and the confusing, one-two punch of Lupita Nyong'o in Eclipsed, a play by Danai Gurira.
Broadway Producer (a real job, we just found out) Karen Anglis was equally as enthused to have a famous movie star in the cast.
“It’s great that A-Listers are still excited to perform on our little ol’ street,” said Anglis, referring to the area that has apparently defined American theater and culture for two hundred years. “I remember getting Chris Evans to do Lobby Hero a few years back. We asked if he wanted to do another play, but - funny story - his eyes turned black and he said 'The Company wouldn’t approve',” noted Anglis as a small red dot appeared on her forehead and an unmarked van sped up to us.
Rockwell may not be able to do his quirky live acting bit for long, however, as Broadway insiders report Disney is in talks to purchase the Circle in the Square Theater, as well as the entire street of Broadway, and all five boroughs of New York City.