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Netflix Sues " The Unofficial Bridgerton Musical" for Exact Amount It Costs to Make Official One

by Emily Claypoole. IG: @playdohpoole. Twitter @thisisemilyok.

WASHINGTON D.C. – Netflix has filed a lawsuit against the creators of The Unofficial Bridgerton Musical following their sold out presentation at the Kennedy Center this weekend, with sources confirming their lawsuit is for the exact amount it would take for Netflix to mount The Official Bridgerton Musical.

“All I can say is that my client is interested in a very specific amount of money,” offered Netflix’s Chief Legal Counsel Marsha Dale, while fielding emails about a ‘confidential 2024 release’ featuring exactly 15 original, Grammy-winning songs. “I cannot convey the exact amount, but it has been carefully calculated to account for the damages this masterful, shockingly well received internet sensation has caused.”

Marketing executives at Netflix proved unavailable when approached for comment citing a team-wide party celebrating free marketing for the same ‘confidential 2024 release’.

Development executives did respond for comment, however - claiming with giddy chuckles, shifty eyes, and a call out to Ariana Grande - that they’re “definitely not going to use the settlement to adapt Barlow & Bear's piece into an official Bridgerton musical” before actually falling over from laughing so hard.


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